What do I need to start?

Just a call or email will get the process going. See our Contact page and we look forward to talking to you about your project.

What if I need help during construction?

We love to be on site assisting the homeowner, builder, and contractors. We say ‘whatever, whenever’, you let us know what you need. As important as the project vision is in design stage, it is also critical in the construction stage. We want to ensure that what was designed is what is built. Because we have construction experience we can support the contractors. We speak the same language.

Why would I have the Interior Designer involved in the architectural design?

As vital as the architectural design is, it is the shell and shape of the project. The materials and finishings are what create the atmosphere of the project. It is good to have the Interior Designer involved in the project from the start so that those materials, finishes, details, specifications, etc. are part of the project from the beginning. It also allows for a single vision to be created that is understood by everyone. We believe that the more eyes on the project the better it will be.

How long will the design take to develop?

We always work within a client’s timeframe. Though a number of things can affect the timeframe; complexity of the home, municipality governance and permitting, etc. That said it is important to note that enough time should be allocated to the process to ensure a proper design can be developed that meets a client’s dreams and needs. We would be pleased to discuss the timeframe further based on your specific project.

How much will the design cost?

Generally, the architectural design runs between 1 ½ and 2 ½ percent of the construction budget. This will vary depending on things like the complexity of the home, timeframe, and level of service required. Once we have met and discussed your project in detail we will be able to give you a firm fee schedule.